Emergency management

Certified emergency skills are needed for efficient interventions in maritime accidents.

Four related courses are developed:

  • Crowd and Crisis Management
  • Fast Rescue Boat Operations
  • Effects of Ship Stability in Emergencies and Evacuations
  • Patient Transfer and Evacuation Onboard

Crowd and Crisis Management

In maritime emergencies, especially onboard passenger vessels, behavior of people onboard is important for safety. The crew needs to understand the behavioral patterns and have practices that aid in reducing panic and in minimizing the risks. Learning objectives of the course: the skills of management and organization of large accumulations of persons in an emergency, including accident potential, safety plan, safety organization, management of crowds, catering for persons who need special assistance, stress management, human behavior in emergencies, and efficient management of emergency situations.

Fast Rescue Boat Operations

In Fast Rescue Boat Operations course, the target is to provide specific knowledge and practical experience in operation with Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) in extreme situations. Learning objectives of the course: skills needed for launching and operating of a Fast Rescue Boat in an emergencies, knowledge on technology of FRB’s, safety issues, search tactics, environmental limitations, as well as engine repair and operation. The content is compliant with the IMO regulations.

Effects of Ship Stability in Emergencies and Evacuations

In maritime emergencies, often the stability of the vessel is at risk. Heeling and trimming of the vessel have a profound effect on evacuations. For managing the risks of flooding, sinking and capsizing, sophisticated equipment have been introduced in shipping. The proper use of the new equipment requires that the crew has solid background of the principles and the necessary practical skills. Learning objectives of the course: the participants are expected to master the background theory of intact and damaged ship stability, ship motions in seaway, effects of flooding, grounding and shifting of cargo, perform necessary operations with a loading computer, and be able to execute ballast water tank operations in emergencies.

Patient Transfer and Evacuation Onboard

Ships are difficult environments for rescue personnel. Ship motions, evacuation upwards instead of down, watertight compartments, obstacles by technical equipment, compact corridors and steep stairs may pose challenges, especially for the land-based emergency crews who do not visit ships regularly. Learning objectives of the course: the participants achieve a good theoretical and practical view of ships as rescue environments, and they should be able to safely support, transfer and transport patients in various ship emergency evacuation scenarios.