Suvi Kivelä
Project manager
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Ellinor Lindblom
Project coordinator
Högskolan på Åland, Finland
Raivo Portsmuth
Project coordinator
Estonian Nautical School, Estonia
Liana Deklava
Project coordinator
Riga Stradins University, Latvia
Arnis Bankovičs
Project manager
Latvian Maritime Academy, Latvia

Turku University of Applied Sciences Ltd. (TUAS) is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Finland, which hosts 9,500 students studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. There are two faculties involved in the project: Faculty of Health and Well-being and Faculty of Technology, Environment and Business.

Faculty of Health and Well-being provides education on Bachelor level Emergency Care Nurses, Nurses and Public Health Nurses, and has specific expertise in rehabilitation, health care services and social service education. Simulation, distance learning and evidence based teaching methods are used for learning clinical processes.

Faculty of Technology, Environment and Business is educating professionals in many fields of engineering, environmental sciences, management and sales. In Marine Technology, education of maritime risk management is based on close co-operation with the industry.

The project team members involved in the project´s curricula development process have 20 – 30 years’ experience of working life, curricula development and teaching in bachelor level and in continuing professional development courses.

TUAS is the lead partner in the OnBoard-Med project and is in charge of the project´s management and WP2 Maritime Medical Treatment and WP3 Occupational Safety Onboard.

Åland University of Applied Sciences (ÅUAS) is partner in OnBoard-Med project. ÅUAS is located in the town of Mariehamn in Åland. It is a small university, which allows for close contact between teachers and students.

Åland UAS offers degree programmes in Swedish in business administration, navigation, hospitality management, engineering (marine, electrical and IT) and health and caring sciences for a total of 600 students.

The programmes offered at Åland University of Applied Sciences provide the theoretical and practical knowledge required to carry out advanced tasks in working life, both independently and in teamwork settings.

The ÅUAS Navigation programme focuses on four main areas: navigation, marine transport and technology, seafaring skills and management. Practical training is mandatory. Students also have the opportunity to train in modern life-size bridge simulators. In the course of the programme, students acquire both the practical and the theoretical proficiency required of professional seafarers. Both programmes are based on IMO´s international STCW standards. The Nursing programme aims at providing high-quality theoretical and practical nursing competence. The programme emphasizes a caring, quality-conscious and professional approach in the practice of nursing.

Åland has good experience in EU-funded cross-border projects and highly experienced staff for curricula development. ÅUAS contributes to all implementation Work Packages in OnBoard-Med project, and is in charge of WP1 Emergency Management.

The working team on Åland consists of Anna Lundberg, Bengt Malmberg, Ronny Eriksson, Lena Nyman-Wiklund, Ellinor Lindblom and Linda Eriksson.

The Estonian Nautical School is a professional vocational education institution providing maritime education and applied research in the maritime field. The Estonian Nautical School offers quality education to 500 or more GT ships watch officers, 750kW and greater propulsion power motor vessel watch mechanics, ship motorists, senior sailors and ship electricians. All programs are based on the requirements of STCW-78 and the quality is controlled by the Bureau Veritas. The School has about 300 learners and more than 30 teachers. The Retraining and Refresher Training department of the School provides training courses for seafarers.

Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) is the partner in the OnBoard-Med project. RSU offer 65 study programmes in different level higher education programmes. Total number of students is around 8500. In the project is involved the Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare which is the only one in Latvia which offers studies in public health, social health, nursing, emergency nursing and midwifery. The bachelor study programme in Nursing provides the training of nurses involved in the promotion of healthcare, prevention of illnesses, providing care for patients and helping them to recover, live with chronic illnesses. Specializations of Nursing study programme are: ambulatory (out-patient) care nurse, surgical care nurse, mental health care nurse, medical care nurse, anesthesia, intensive care and emergency nurse, children’s care nurse, operating room nurse.

The project team staff have long experience of working life and of curricula development. RSU contributes medical knowledge to all OnBoard-Med implementation Work Packages and implements some of the pilot courses. RSU will benefit from the participation in project – developing courses for Nurses who will work on ships, as well as collaborative experience and benefit in related fields with partner institutions.

The Latvian Maritime Academy (LMA) is a state-owned accredited public institution of professional maritime education and research in which the studies take place in accordance with internationally regulated programmes in the maritime sector. Currently, more than 800 students study in the LMA, of which about a third part – have chosen part-time studies. Each year, in an average, the LMA enrols about 200 students. Major part of the LMA students are engaged in the ship-management and ship-mechanics study programmes. Also, wide popularity is won by the speciality of port management. Number of students who have chosen the ship electromechanical speciality is considerably small and the enrolment corresponds to the demand and contracts offered. The Latvian Maritime Academy provides professional education in the field of nautical sector and engineering. With regard to the OnBoard-Med project the relevant thematic competence and experience of the LMA are the following: Deck Officer, Ship Engineering and Ship Electrical Automation.

The main objective of the LMA is to provide an up-to-date professional higher maritime education and academic qualification for students, as well as to develop applied science in order to sustain a needed intelligent potential of the Republic of Latvia and to achieve a stable status and recognition in international maritime labour market. International cooperation in the field of professional education and research with a simultaneous involvement of additional resources is one of the LMA quality targets. The LMA implements its development in several areas with the purpose to acquire and enforce the status of an European level centre of maritime transport and infrastructure to the LMA. The quality of the LMA performance is based on the synergy of proficient scientific and teaching staff (professional researchers, young scientists and students) and modern infrastructure. To facilitate organization and implementation of international cooperation projects the following activities are carried out: rising of capacity of laboratories and workshops; rising of research fields and publication of “Journal of Maritime Transport and Engineering”; search of international contacts and implementation of joint projects. The LMA staff members involved in the OnBoard-Med project have very good qualifications and relevant work experience with regard to the curricula development. The LMA contributes its nautical competence to the implementation of all Work Packages and is in charge of WP C Communication.

Latvian Maritime Academy is a partner in OnBoard-med project. LMA contributes nautical competence to all implementation Work Packages and is in charge of WP C Communication. The LMA staff involved in the OnBoard-Med- project have very good qualifications and relevant work experience for curricula development.